
Report Potential Problems 和 Assist with Compliance

If you suspect criminal activity on campus or see conduct that raises immediate safety concerns, you should contact 校园 Safety at 303-871-3000 or call 911.

Any reports related to Covid should be submitted to ReportCovid@tayhgd.net.

The University requires all Responsible Employees to immediately report any conduct which could implicate the University’s Comprehensive Discrimination 和 Harassment Procedures or 第九条性骚扰程序 to the University’s 平等机会办公室 和 Title IX. 作为一个负责任的员工, this form cannot be used 和 the report must be made by contacting the 平等机会办公室 和 Title IX at http://tayhgd.net/equalopportunity 或者在线使用 form. 如果你有任何问题, please contact the Associate Vice Chancellor of Equal Opportunity 和 Title IX/Title IX Coordinator at titleix@tayhgd.net.



The yzcca88游戏登录网址 is committed to full compliance with state 和 federal laws. 以满足这一遵从性承诺, the University needs to know when there are potential compliance problems. You are encouraged to let the University know when you suspect there has been or may be a compliance issue. You are also encouraged to contact the University if you merely have a question as to whether conduct is compliant. Absent your input, it is difficult for the University to meet its full compliance goal. 

It is easy for you to report potential problems or raise questions, 一天24小时, 一周七天. There are several ways to report, 和 you can report anonymously, if you prefer. These reporting methods are designed to make you feel comfortable raising issues or posing questions. The University has contracted with a confidential third-party provider, 灯塔服务, 接收热线报告. This service is provided to assist any member of the University community with reporting concerns or issues about questionable practices anonymously. These may include fraud, unlawful, unethical or other types of behavior. 

Every employee 和 member of the community can play a vital part in helping the University maintain its integrity. Most incidences are discovered as a result of tips provided by individuals who are closest to the activity in question. 你的报告会被认真对待. 他们被记录下来了, 综述了, 妥善解决, working with the University's 办公室 General Counsel, Enterprise Risk Management 和 the Audit Committee of the Board of Trustees.

Here are the ways you can report a potential problem or raise questions. The option to remain anonymous is available through each of these methods.

  • You can submit a report through 灯塔服务 at www.lighthouse-services.com/du.  
  • You can call the hotline provided by 灯塔服务 at the following numbers:
    • English speaking USA 和 Canada: 866-780-0002
    • Spanish speaking USA 和 Canada: 800-216-1288
    • Spanish speaking Mexico: 01-800-681-5340
    • 加拿大法语区:855-725-0002
  • You can fax a report through 灯塔服务 at 215-689-3885 (please identify the yzcca88游戏登录网址 in your report).
  • You can email a report to 灯塔服务 at reports@lighthouse-services.com (please identify the yzcca88游戏登录网址 in your report).



It is hard to predict what questions you might have or problems you might see. Here are some examples of common issues at colleges 和 universities:

  • You might see improper practices regarding monies, 补偿, University accounts or other financial issues.
  • You might believe that a program at the University is not managed in compliance with law.
  • You might see conduct that makes you think there is likely a compliance issue, but you cannot figure out what it might be.
  • You might see safety issues or conduct that appears outside of proper guidelines.
  • You might see conduct that appears to violate University policies.
  • You might see a problem that appears to violate state or federal laws.